How to Overcome Challenges of Studying Abroad

 How to Overcome Challenges of Studying Abroad:- Studying abroad can be an exciting time in the life of a student. You can move to a new country and learn new skills and make friends for life.

You may be encouraged to seek new adventures and extend your boundaries.

Although there are many great benefits of studying abroad, and it does comes with it's challenges.

Therefore, as a student abroad, you will have some difficult times, because you are not in your home country where everything is familiar to you.

In this article, we will be discussing the challenges faced by students studying abroad, and how to solve or overcome them (as coined in the title above : How to Overcome Challenges of Studying Abroad).

Challenges of Studying Abroad

It can be very difficult to move to a new place, especially if you relocate some place very far from home and your loved ones.

Starting a new life abroad will cause you a little headache and trouble. Adapting to a new country in a new culture can make you doubt your decision.

But do not lose hope! We understand that the biggest challenges of being an international student more than you think.

For instance approximately 250,000 international students are enrolled in various Australian universities. Australia is well known for its high quality education.

So undoubtedly, the number of international students keeps increasing every year.

Yet, most of these students still face many challenges when they come into Australia for the first time.

Some have trouble adapting to the culture, others have trouble connecting with people.

As you may know, the best way to mitigate potential problems is to feel prepared to face those problems, a road bump here and there does not have to derail you from your overall time abroad.

Therefore, we have put together some of the barriers a student faces when they want to Study abroad and their solutions.

Study Abroad. How to Overcome Challenges of Studying Abroad. How to Study Abroad without stress. Solutions to study abroad challenges

How to Overcome Challenges of Studying Abroad

You may also refer to it as The Challenges of Studying abroad

Many think that going abroad will be as quiet as other types of travel: enjoy, eat and have fun.

But studying abroad is not a vacation. It is real life. The cost of dining at the restaurant will eventually add up, late nights will lengthen your sleep during class and the overall pace can make you run away in ruins.

Even if you do well, you will find the study abroad ups and downs that affect you, day in and day out – sometimes exacerbating.

Here is a list of what to expect.

The Language Barrier

The main problem abroad is the language barrier. Living in a country where nobody speaks your language can be very isolating.

Communication barriers are a fact of living abroad and making sense of the lifestyle of foreigners. This means that many students studying abroad may feel lonely and homesick

You can let it stress you or you can see it as a learning opportunity.

Cultural Differences

In addition to the language barrier, there will also be difficulties in culture. Each country has its own culture and you may find it difficult to integrate.

This can be especially difficult when you live with roommates. The behavior of your roommates may seem strange and bad, but in your new home, these behaviors are quite normal.

You suddenly look and feel very lonely. You are surrounded by other people and your appearance, your fashion, your inability to communicate in the language of the country or your general presence are of course … different.

Never before have you felt so uncomfortable or disconnected.

FinancesRunning low on cash

Despite all your efforts to plan, budget and track your spending throughout the semester, there might this one weekend you may have spent too much.

Nobody can blame you for managing your double-digit bank account.

Like all students, from time to time you will have difficulty controlling your finances. If you live abroad, it can be harder to reconcile your living expenses and your study expenses.

Concerns about your finances can slow you down and make you feel alone or stressed out.

Academic Difficulties

Honestly, you can have trouble when it comes to starting classes at your new college or university.

The language barrier only can contribute to this challenge, because you may be taking your courses in a language you don’t even understand the first word.


We have already mentioned homesickness, but for many students abroad this can be a real problem.

You live thousands of miles away from your friends and family, making you feel isolated.

Universities around the world are faced with students’ problems with homesickness, which shows how widespread the problem is.

But then, It is perfectly healthy and normal to feel homesick, just do not let it become a crippling part of your experience abroad.

Your support networks are still there!

 Time zone annoyances

Trying to navigate two time zones on opposite ends of the world can be really frustrating.

You need to constantly check what time is appropriate for each time zone and make a habit of calling early in the morning or late in the evening.

Getting used to currency differences

Getting used to currency differences is also a difficult process. For example, in Costa Rica, you need to remember that 500 Costa Rican colones is equal to one dollar.

And in continental Europe, you will have to remember that anything that costs €1 actually costs $ 1.40.

As with most foreign learning challenges, currency differences are some of the things that do not really hurt you if you only stay for a short time, but have a big impact if you stay at least one semester or more.

Wanting to stay forever

You have fallen in love with this new place, You love everything about it, the sights, sounds, smells, energy. Most importantly, you love the fact that you lives here (Its a dream come true experience).

You feel more self-confident and self-assured than ever, fearing the idea of returning home. Like the saying goes every good thing surely comes to an end.

Study abroad challenges solutions:

How to Handle the Language Barrier during Your Study Abroad

The best thing to do is practicing more before the start of your studies. Also, do not be afraid to ask the locals to re-pronounce the words. They are usually eager to help you. ”

We also recommend using some online tools that can be helpful in overcoming the language barrier.

Duolingo offers a very useful language learning program, while SpellCheckJSpell and Reverso or similar programs help you translate sentences or check for grammatical errors.

How to Handle Cultural Differences studying Abroad

Make an effort to be familiar with local cultural norms and terminology. If you do not speak the mother tongue of the host country fluently, have a translation dictionary created or fill your smartphone with foreign language applications.

Make friends and ask for tips and advice on how to be more authentic with strangers.

Ultimately, you should not allow the fear of offending or speaking incorrectly keep you from interacting healthily within the host culture.

You will learn over time, and if you are patient with yourself.

How to Handle Finance Challenges studying abroad

“There are a few ways to make sure you bring enough money while you’re away,” says Best British Essays author Fiona Morrison.

“Take advantage of all the options available to you.” Here are some that you can try for yourself if you need money:

  • Look for scholarships that will help you. There are a lot of scholarship opportunities open to international students studying abroad

  • Depending on the laws in your study abroad country, you may be able to work part-time. Try to find a job that you can integrate into your studies.

  • Cook all your meals instead of buying takeaway food.

  • Save up cash for emergencies, as you’ll be glad you did when an unexpected bill comes in.

How to Deal with your Academic Difficulties

Balancing your time can be a great help to you. Do not let your social relationships take all of your time. Remember that you do well at school, especially if you have goals in life

Also, nothing can beat a person who is prepared. Organizing your timetable and creating a to-do list can be a great help for the success of your schoolwork.

The to-do list can also avoid getting stuck if you have a list of projects/schoolwork that you need to do first. It will also help you to be less stressed when you have a lot to do.

How to Deal With Home-sickness While Studying Abroad

There are several ways to calm the loud voices in your head reminding you how far you are from home.

You can engage in new interests, new clubs or new adventures in your study abroad destination, you can ask your friends/family /counselors for advice.

You can find a taste of home by introducing yourself to the local Starbucks Café.

Most persons can practice yoga, meditation, etc, or another self-knowledge activity. Find other parts of yourself that have been kept unknown, and explore.

The important thing is that you do not spend hours on Facebook and your other favorite social networking sites.

This would be counterproductive and actually feeds your feelings of homesickness, rather than eradicating them.

How to Deal with Currency Difference

Make sure that you develop a fast conversion system for yourself so that you mentally determine the prices of goods when you want to buy anything and know the “normal” price for the essentials, that is.

Ask the locals how much they expect you to pay. Do not spend the euro like dollars or the dollars like naira/rand/cfa!

This might seem like an intimidating list, but do not let your heart be troubled! It sounds significantly harder than it actually is.

The phrase “having failed your way to success” comes to mind. I think all people who have studied abroad can relate to that statement.

From university applications to finding a place to stay and identifying the social norms, we have all been unsuccessful in some if not all of these respects.

But when you push through the challenges ( by following this guide "How to Overcome Challenges of Studying Abroad"), everything will work out fine for you.

Challenges of Studying in some of the best cites

Being a student is a challenge because of busy schedules, difficult projects, and complex social situations.

But international students experience even more challenges because being a student in a different country can be really hard.

If you are the big city type then you are in luck, we have put together all the challenges those wishing to study in the big study abroad destination can possibly face.

Challenges faced by international students in Germany

International students studying in Germany enjoy their stay and are happy to recommend their experiences to other students, as shown by the StudyPortal’s 2014 International Student Satisfaction Award.

Nearly 7,000 students from around the world shared their impressions and insights.

According to Opinions on European universities in the world’s largest database of international student experiences, Nearly 600 students reported having studied in Germany.

Overall, Germany had a total score of 8.8 out of 10 and was ranked 11th in terms of student satisfaction.

Student impressions provide an interesting insight into German universities and can help potential students decide on their future study goals.

In total, 17 German universities received an award for international student satisfaction.

Two of them, the Friederich-Schiller-Universität Jena and the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, received certificates of outstanding international student satisfaction with an average mark of 9.5 out of 10.

Eight (8) German universities were considered “excellent” and seven (7) were rated “very good”.

Students who studied in Germany were generally more satisfied with the university than the European average, although some argue that there is still room for improvement.

Students are satisfied that the courses have contributed to their own development and are generally satisfied with the participation of teachers.

Many also report high academic standards and experienced teachers. The quality of the facilities is also welcomed by many students.

”I came back with a lot of new techniques and insights related to my major that I and even my professors haven’t heard before. This exchange/Erasmus period helped me reach broader horizons.” – Student from Turkey.

“During my first lecture – real-time machines and robots – I was amazed when the teachers gave us a mini-robot and told us we can have it at home during the whole semester to practice on. All the practice orientated examples helped a lot to understand the aim of the lecture and get the ability to gain industrial insight.” – Student from Hungary.

The challenges of studying in Germany

International students in Germany have complained about the lack of activity in some of the smaller cities in the country.

Those in these places found the social life boring and recommended traveling to the country’s largest cities.

Some were dissatisfied with the services of academic staff, particularly the high bureaucracy and the lack of relevant information for international students.

German language skills are highly recommended and students should pay attention to the language of instruction, which is often German and offers a very limited range of English language courses.

Other challenges many have faced include (from the top):

  • Orientation into the German Education System

  • Finding the right course path that will guarantee you work in Germany

  • Looking for a room or apartment

  • Getting a work permit

  • Interaction with Germans outside the Uni

  • Applying for the visa before arriving and extension issues at migration offices in Germany

  • Interaction with German Professors

  • Recognition of academic qualifications from the students’ home countries

  • Performance demands from their study course

  • Understanding German.

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