Global Warming Organizations

Global warming organisations helps in regulating and improving environmental impact as a result of human activities. Let us look at some of the major players in the industry below.

Global Warming Organizations

Global Warming Organisations

The Best Organizations Dedicated to Global Warming

How you feel about global warming and the threat it poses to our planet likely depends on how well you understand it, or whether you understand it at all. Some may think the issue has been blown out of proportion; others may feel there’s little that can be done to stop it from happening. 

The reality is that global warming really does exist, and we do have the power to prevent it from getting worse with the help of some great organizations dedicated to fighting global warming worldwide.

Global Warming Organizations in the United States

Founded in 2002, The Alliance for Climate Protection is a nonprofit organization founded by former Vice President Al Gore. 

The Alliance’s goal is to make global warming the most powerful and urgent issue in American politics. Headquartered in Washington, D.C., it employs a staff of more than 20 full-time employees and runs a number of subsidiary programs including the Business Leaders Initiative, which mobilizes top business leaders to advocate for climate protection policies on Capitol Hill.

 The NRDC, or Natural Resources Defense Council, is a nonprofit organization committed to protecting human health and the environment. 

Through legislation, litigation, research and public education efforts, it aims to ensure clean air and water as well as safe food. Headquartered in New York City with offices in California and Beijing, China, it employs more than 1,000 staff members and has an annual budget of around $100 million.

 Created in 1997, The World Wildlife Fund is a non-governmental organization whose mission is to stop the degradation of our planet's natural environment and to build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature. 

The group aims to do so by conserving natural habitats and working with local communities on sustainable living. Headquartered in Switzerland, it employs more than 6,000 staff members and has operations spanning six continents.

 Created in 1992, The Nature Conservancy is a non-profit organization that protects plants and animals as well as some of America’s most ecologically important lands. It aims to build broad support for conserving biodiversity around the world and within local communities.

 Founded in 1985, Oceana is a non-profit organization that works on ocean conservation issues. As well as protecting marine life, it advocates for environmentally sustainable fisheries, as well as opposing practices such as shark finning and overfishing. 

Headquartered in Washington D.C., it employs more than 400 staff members and has a budget of around $70 million.

 Created in 1982, The Environmental Defense Fund is a non-profit organization dedicated to protecting human health and the environment. It seeks sustainable solutions to climate change, energy security and conservation.

 Founded in 1991, The Union of Concerned Scientists is a nonprofit scientific advocacy group. Its mission is to use science-based analysis and innovative thinking to develop problem-solving approaches designed to improve human health and well-being while protecting our environment. It works on issues including climate change, food safety, biodiversity protection and nuclear weapons proliferation.

 The Sierra Club is a non-profit environmental organization based in California. Its mission is to explore, enjoy and protect nature and natural resources throughout America. 

It works on issues including air pollution, global warming, clean energy and protecting wildlife. The group has more than 5 million members across 86 chapters in all 50 states plus in Washington D.C., Puerto Rico and other U.S territories around the world.

 The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) is a non-profit environmental organization based in New York. It was founded in 1970 and its mission is to protect people’s health, wildlife and environment across America. 

The group’s areas of focus include climate change, air pollution, pesticides, oceans and land use, among others. 

It employs more than 1,300 staff members across three offices in New York City as well as Washington D.C., Los Angeles and San Francisco.

 The Environmental Working Group (EWG) is a non-profit environmental organization based in Washington D.C. It was founded in 1993 and its mission is to help people live healthier lives in a healthier environment. 

Its campaigns include fighting for laws that protect public health, improving government transparency and building support for clean energy, among others.

Global Warming Organizations in Europe

The European Union’s Environment and Climate Change Programme is a partnership between 27 European member states dedicated to combating climate change, while also monitoring its effects. It is responsible for developing environmental legislation and launching extensive programs aimed at protecting natural ecosystems. 

The EU seeks an annual 4 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2020; in 2012, it managed only a 2.4 percent reduction, but given its enormous influence on other global organizations working toward the same cause—including NASA—its participation in global warming initiatives remains vital.

 The EU’s participation in international global warming initiatives—such as Mission 2020 and We Mean Business—continues to grow. In February 2014, representatives from across Europe set a target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by at least 40 percent before 2030. If successful, it will be one of the most ambitious goals ever attempted and could potentially signal a shift toward more effective global climate action.

 However, despite its leadership role in many global warming initiatives, Europe has some of the weakest national targets for carbon reduction. 

As a whole, it plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 20 percent from 1990 levels by 2020. To do so, it will have to invest billions of euros each year in clean energy development and investment.

While Europe accounts for about 10 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions, its leadership in international climate change initiatives suggests that it’s poised to make a large impact on global efforts going forward. 

Its participation could lend much-needed credibility and support as they move toward bolder initiatives.

 Europe will have a key role in implementing and funding international global warming initiatives as they move toward more ambitious carbon reduction goals. 

By doing so, it will help achieve a 30 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 and put other countries on track for success. Its focus on transparency, accountability, and data sharing should be commended as we approach a future in which greater cross-border cooperation will be essential.

 If you’re interested in pursuing a career in global warming, look for opportunities at organizations like these. A career as an environmental scientist or advocate could help you make a real difference on both a local and international scale. 

By sharing your knowledge with others and working toward common goals, you can create real change while also benefiting from competitive salaries and job security. 

Whether you plan to work directly in research or advocacy, consider expanding your skills by attending college courses in biology or climate science.

No matter what your goals, European global warming organizations offer competitive salaries and opportunities for career advancement. 

Whether you’re an educator or policy expert, an investment banker or environmental scientist, these organizations offer competitive salaries and career growth opportunities.

 As European global warming organizations commit more resources to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, you’ll have more opportunity than ever before. 

Their leaders recognize that reducing greenhouse gas emissions is essential—and they’re making smart investments to make it happen. 

By doing so, they will help set an example for other countries and organizations around the world that are committed to curbing their carbon footprints.

Global Warming Organizations in Canada

The David Suzuki Foundation is a national non-profit organization that aims to protect the natural environment and promote sustainability. 

Through scientific research, public education and policy change, they work towards a healthier planet. They are headquartered in Vancouver, Canada. 

The Sierra Club of Canada has been working for more than 40 years to protect our air, water and land from environmental destruction. 

The organization works on grassroots campaigns as well as lobbying at provincial and federal levels for change in environmental policy. They are headquartered in Toronto, Canada.

 Earth Day Canada is a non-profit organization dedicated to educating and motivating people about environmental issues. 

The foundation works with experts and everyday citizens through educational programs, special events and volunteerism. 

They are headquartered in Toronto, Canada. The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) of Canada is committed to helping Canadians become more aware of how their actions affect our natural world, as well as helping people use sustainable living practices.

 The David Suzuki Foundation and Earth Day Canada operate as national organizations, while Sierra Club of Canada and WWF of Canada are regional. 

While they are not strictly global warming organizations, both World Wildlife Fund and David Suzuki Foundation are also dedicated to preserving endangered species from all over the world.

 While Canada is not directly involved in international climate change politics, there are a number of organizations focused on global warming specifically. 

Ecojustice Canada is a non-profit environmental organization that addresses issues of sustainability, conservation and human rights across Canada and around the world. 

They aim to achieve their goals through education, public policy change and litigation. 

The Climate Action Network is a worldwide alliance of more than 700 grassroots groups dedicated to slowing down climate change.

 Environmental Defence Canada is an organization dedicated to finding and implementing solutions for climate change. They provide information about what Canadians can do to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The Pembina Institute is a non-profit, non-partisan think tank dedicated to sustainable energy and prosperity for all Canadians. Their research aims to inform public policy that supports clean energy choices and protects our environment. They are headquartered in Toronto, Canada.

Environmental Defence Canada, The Pembina Institute and The Climate Action Network operate as national organizations, while Ecojustice Canada is regional. 

While they are not strictly global warming organizations, all of these organizations also address other environmental issues such as protecting endangered species and clean air and water. 

These efforts help reduce emissions and ensure a healthy environment for future generations. You can join any of these groups online or in person by visiting their websites above.

Since Canada is a part of the international community, there are many international organizations that also focus on global warming. 

The Climate Action Network, Earth Day Canada and Environmental Defence Canada are all members of CAN International, an alliance of more than 950 environmental organizations around the world. 

The Alliance is headquartered in Brussels, Belgium and works towards achieving binding international agreements that will curb climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions worldwide.

Global Warming Organizations in Australia

The Australian Climate Council is an independent, non-profit organization that provides information on climate change science, adaptation and mitigation. 

The council also advocates for a responsible, transparent national conversation about climate change.

This organization receives funding from academic institutions and businesses, but it doesn’t have any corporate sponsors. Membership fees also contribute to its revenue stream.

 The Australian Conservation Foundation (ACF) is an independent national non-governmental organization that works with government, business and other non-profit organizations to develop policies and programs that protect our oceans, forests, wildlife and climate. 

It received A$1.46 million in public funding in 2016-2017. This money came from both corporate donors as well as individual donations.

 The Australian Youth Climate Coalition (AYCC) was established in 2008 and seeks to encourage politicians, businesses and individuals to reduce carbon emissions by facilitating a national conversation about climate change. 

In 2016-2017, it received A$349,238 from public funding as well as donations from business ($30,000), government ($100,000) and individuals ($49,114). This organization is based in Sydney.

 Future Forests Australia is a non-profit group which aims to safeguard Australia’s forests, restore our degraded lands and empower communities. It focuses on both native and plantation forestry. Future Forests received A$4.34 million in public funding for its conservation efforts in 2016-2017, as well as $120,000 from corporate donors and $17,471 from individual donors. This organization is based in Sydney.

 The Climate Institute is an independent, national non-profit organization that works with businesses, individuals and governments to help them respond and prepare for climate change. It also conducts research on climate policy and provides advocacy support. 

This organization received A$2.15 million in public funding for its programs in 2016-2017, as well as $250,000 from government sources, $260,000 from corporate donations and $103,824 from individual donations. It’s based in Sydney.

 The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) is a non-profit organization that aims to conserve endangered animals and habitats by encouraging governments, businesses and individuals to make changes. It receives funding from both private and public donors. 

This group received A$15.09 million in public funding for its conservation efforts in 2016-2017, as well as $1,640,000 from corporate donors and $112,902 from individual donations. It’s based in Sydney.

International Climate Action Networks and Campaigns

An international climate action network is a group of regional, national and local groups working on climate change. 

These groups collaborate to achieve specific goals, including increasing public awareness about global warming and environmental protection issues, influencing governmental policy and taking direct action towards protecting our planet’s future. Here are some of the best organizations dedicated to fighting global warming.

The Climate Reality Project - If you’re looking for a non-profit that is dedicated to addressing climate change, then The Climate Reality Project is your organization. Its mission is reducing greenhouse gas emissions and educating as many people as possible about how they can personally fight global warming.

It was founded by former Vice President Al Gore, who has become one of environmentalism’s most well-known advocates. Through its efforts in education and advocacy, The Climate Reality Project works with grassroots organizations around the world to spread awareness about global warming issues.

Rainforest Action Network - The Rainforest Action Network, or RAN, works with activists around the world on projects that protect rainforests and their inhabitants. 

From working on conservation initiatives in Africa and Indonesia to stopping deforestation practices in North America, RAN has a wide range of efforts aimed at conserving our planet’s natural resources. 

While its main focus is on preserving tropical rainforests, it also conducts campaigns aimed at protecting all types of ecosystems.

 WWF - The World Wildlife Fund, or WWF, was created in 1961 as an international organization aimed at conserving our planet’s wildlife and wild places. 

With more than 5 million members in over 100 countries, WWF is one of the world’s largest conservation organizations. It has been a leader in efforts to preserve endangered species and fight against illegal wildlife trafficking for decades.

 Environmental Defense Fund - The Environmental Defense Fund, or EDF, is a nonprofit group that focuses on protecting human health and protecting wildlife. 

Through advocacy campaigns and research projects, it has played a pivotal role in protecting our planet’s air and water resources for decades. 

Since its founding in 1967, EDF has been instrumental in creating new standards for public health protections and leading efforts to advance sustainable energy solutions.

Carbon Tax Information Websites

Carbon Tax is a form of carbon pricing, which taxes sources of carbon emissions. Carbon taxes are a form of Pigovian tax. A place for all your carbon tax information needs.

 Many countries have some form of carbon tax. In Canada, there is a national carbon tax on fossil fuels (which has been in place since 2007). 

In Australia, there is an emissions trading scheme that allows businesses and individuals to trade carbon credits. 

The European Union recently agreed on a continent-wide system that also places a tax on polluters, but they can choose how to lower their emissions. 

There’s even one province in China that has had a carbon pricing scheme in place since 2008.

 In 2005, Ronald Coase, who was considered by many to be one of most influential economists of all time, received a Nobel Prize in economics for his work on climate change. 

A central tenet of Coase’s theory is that climate change and other issues should be handled with free markets rather than government regulation. In fact, Coase himself argued that government action could do more harm than good when it comes to global warming.


The problem of global warming is too large for any one organization or country to handle, which is why it’s important that these organizations have joined forces. If you care about your own personal carbon footprint, consider volunteering or making a donation. For example, The Nature Conservancy encourages individuals and companies to become involved in ongoing clean-up efforts by purchasing and restoring conservation easements. There are also great individual success stories about how people are making a difference in their local communities through recycling and using renewable energy sources.